The interface
provides a system for defining and implementing interfaces in R, with
runtime type checking. This approach brings some of the benefits of
statically-typed languages to R, allowing for more structured and safer
Interfaces in R can be beneficial for several reasons:
package provides the following:
To install the package, use the following command:
Import the package functions.
To define an interface, use the interface()
# Define an interface
Person <- interface(
name = character,
age = numeric,
email = character
# Implement the interface
john <- Person(
name = "John Doe",
age = 30,
email = "[email protected]"
#> Object implementing interface:
#> name: John Doe
#> age: 30
#> email: [email protected]
#> Validation on access: Disabled
# interfaces are lists
#> [1] "John Doe"
# Valid assignment
john$age <- 10
#> [1] 10
# Invalid assignment (throws error)
try(john$age <- "thirty")
#> Error : Property 'age' must be of type numeric
You can create nested interfaces and extend existing interfaces:
# Define an Address interface
Address <- interface(
street = character,
city = character,
postal_code = character
# Define a Scholarship interface
Scholarship <- interface(
amount = numeric,
status = logical
# Extend the Person and Address interfaces
Student <- interface(
extends = c(Address, Person), # will inherit properties from Address and Person
student_id = character,
scores = data.table::data.table,
scholarship = Scholarship # nested interface
# Implement the extended interface
john_student <- Student(
name = "John Doe",
age = 30,
email = "[email protected]",
street = "123 Main St",
city = "Small town",
postal_code = "12345",
student_id = "123456",
scores = data.table::data.table(
subject = c("Math", "Science"),
score = c(95, 88)
scholarship = Scholarship(
amount = 5000,
status = TRUE
#> Object implementing interface:
#> student_id: 123456
#> scores: Math
#> scores: Science
#> scores: 95
#> scores: 88
#> scholarship: <environment: 0x5645e570cd58>
#> street: 123 Main St
#> city: Small town
#> postal_code: 12345
#> name: John Doe
#> age: 30
#> email: [email protected]
#> Validation on access: Disabled
Interfaces can have custom validation functions:
is_valid_email <- function(x) {
grepl("[a-z|0-9]+\\@[a-z|0-9]+\\.[a-z|0-9]+", x)
UserProfile <- interface(
username = character,
email = is_valid_email,
age = function(x) is.numeric(x) && x >= 18
# Implement with valid data
valid_user <- UserProfile(
username = "john_doe",
email = "[email protected]",
age = 25
#> Object implementing interface:
#> username: john_doe
#> email: [email protected]
#> age: 25
#> Validation on access: Disabled
# Invalid implementation (throws error)
username = "jane_doe",
email = "not_an_email",
age = "30"
#> Error : Errors occurred during interface creation:
#> - Invalid value for property 'email': FALSE
#> - Invalid value for property 'age': FALSE
Enums provide a way to define a set of named constants. They are useful for representing a fixed set of values and can be used in interfaces to ensure that a property only takes on one of a predefined set of values.
# Define an enum for days of the week
DaysOfWeek <- enum("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")
# Create an enum object
today <- DaysOfWeek("Wednesday")
#> Enum: Wednesday
# Valid assignment
today$value <- "Friday"
#> Enum: Friday
# Invalid assignment (throws error)
try(today$value <- "NotADay")
#> Error in `$<-.enum`(`*tmp*`, value, value = "NotADay") :
#> Invalid value. Must be one of: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Enums can be used as property types in interfaces:
# Define an interface using an enum
Meeting <- interface(
title = character,
day = DaysOfWeek,
start_time = numeric,
duration = numeric
# Create a valid meeting object
standup <- Meeting(
title = "Daily Standup",
day = "Monday",
start_time = 9.5, # 9:30 AM
duration = 0.5 # 30 minutes
#> Object implementing interface:
#> title: Daily Standup
#> day: Monday
#> start_time: 9.5
#> duration: 0.5
#> Validation on access: Disabled
# Invalid day (throws error)
title = "Invalid Meeting",
day = "InvalidDay",
start_time = 10,
duration = 1
#> Error : Errors occurred during interface creation:
#> - Invalid enum value for property 'day': Invalid value. Must be one of: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
You can also declare enums directly within an interface definition:
# Define an interface with an in-place enum
Task <- interface(
description = character,
priority = enum("Low", "Medium", "High"),
status = enum("Todo", "InProgress", "Done")
# Create a task object
my_task <- Task(
description = "Complete project report",
priority = "High",
status = "InProgress"
#> Object implementing interface:
#> description: Complete project report
#> priority: High
#> status: InProgress
#> Validation on access: Disabled
# Update task status
my_task$status$value <- "Done"
#> Object implementing interface:
#> description: Complete project report
#> priority: High
#> status: Done
#> Validation on access: Disabled
# Invalid priority (throws error)
try(my_task$priority$value <- "VeryHigh")
#> Error in `$<-.enum`(`*tmp*`, value, value = "VeryHigh") :
#> Invalid value. Must be one of: Low, Medium, High
Enums provide an additional layer of type safety and clarity to your code. They ensure that certain properties can only take on a predefined set of values, reducing the chance of errors and making the code more self-documenting.
Define functions with strict type constraints:
typed_fun <- fun(
x = numeric,
y = numeric,
return = numeric,
impl = function(x, y) {
return(x + y)
# Valid call
print(typed_fun(1, 2)) # [1] 3
#> [1] 3
# Invalid call (throws error)
try(typed_fun("a", 2))
#> Error : Property 'x' must be of type numeric
sCreate data frames with column type constraints and row validation:
PersonFrame <- type.frame(
frame = data.frame,
col_types = list(
id = integer,
name = character,
age = numeric,
is_student = logical
# Create a data frame
persons <- PersonFrame(
id = 1:3,
name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"),
age = c(25, 30, 35),
is_student = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)
#> Typed Data Frame Summary:
#> Base Frame Type: data.frame
#> Dimensions: 3 rows x 4 columns
#> Column Specifications:
#> id : integer
#> name : character
#> age : numeric
#> is_student : logical
#> Frame Properties:
#> Freeze columns : Yes
#> Allow NA : Yes
#> On violation : error
#> Data Preview:
#> id name age is_student
#> 1 1 Alice 25 TRUE
#> 2 2 Bob 30 FALSE
#> 3 3 Charlie 35 TRUE
# Invalid modification (throws error)
try(persons$id <- letters[1:3])
#> Error : Property 'id' must be of type integer
PersonFrame <- type.frame(
frame = data.frame,
col_types = list(
id = integer,
name = character,
age = numeric,
is_student = logical,
gender = enum("M", "F"),
email = function(x) all(grepl("^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$", x)) # functions are applied to whole column
freeze_n_cols = FALSE,
row_callback = function(row) {
if (row$age >= 40) {
return(sprintf("Age must be less than 40 (got %d)", row$age))
if (row$name == "Yanice") {
return("Name cannot be 'Yanice'")
allow_na = FALSE,
on_violation = "error"
df <- PersonFrame(
id = 1:3,
name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"),
age = c(25, 35, 35),
is_student = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE),
gender = c("F", "M", "M"),
email = c("[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]")
#> Typed Data Frame Summary:
#> Base Frame Type: data.frame
#> Dimensions: 3 rows x 6 columns
#> Column Specifications:
#> id : integer
#> name : character
#> age : numeric
#> is_student : logical
#> gender : Enum(M, F)
#> email : custom function
#> Frame Properties:
#> Freeze columns : No
#> Allow NA : No
#> On violation : error
#> Data Preview:
#> id name age is_student gender email
#> id name age is_student
#> Min. :1 Length:3 Min. :1 Mode:logical
#> 1st Qu.:1 Class :character 1st Qu.:1 TRUE:3
#> Median :1 Mode :character Median :1
#> Mean :1 Mean :1
#> 3rd Qu.:1 3rd Qu.:1
#> Max. :1 Max. :1
#> gender.Length gender.Class gender.Mode email
#> 1 -none- logical Length:3
#> 1 -none- logical Class :character
#> 1 -none- logical Mode :character
# Invalid row addition (throws error)
try(rbind(df, data.frame(
id = 4,
name = "David",
age = 500,
is_student = TRUE,
email = "[email protected]"
#> Error in rbind(deparse.level, ...) : Number of columns must match
This package provides powerful tools for ensuring type safety and validation in R. By defining interfaces, enums, typed functions, and typed data frames, you can create robust and reliable data structures and functions with strict type constraints.
This vignette demonstrates the basic usage and capabilities of the package. For more details, refer to the package documentation and examples provided in the source code.